Date: October 31 – November 2, 2016
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Host University: Asia University
Number of Attendees: 104
Number of Participating Countries and Regions: 12
Number of HEIs attending: 39
Theme: Bridging Global Diversity in Higher Education
Official Website:http://www.asia-u.ac.jp/75th/events/forum_eng.html
Main Contents:
The 15th session of the AUPF was hosted by Asia University of Japan from October 31 to November 2, 2016. Over 100 presidents, professors, scholars and educators from 39 universities in 12 countries and regions participated. This was the first time for the AUPF to be held in Japan and coincided with the 75th Anniversary of Asia University.
The theme of this session was “Bridging Global Diversity in Higher Education”. Mr. Hiroshi Yoshimoto, Deputy Director General from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) spoke at the opening ceremony and expressed his welcome and congratulations on the convening of the forum. Mr. Hideki Yonekawa, Vice President of Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) gave a speech on “Student Mobility and the Roles of JASSO” and Mr. Masatsugu Shimono, Senior Executive Advisor also delivered his speech on “IT Industry, IBM and Universities”.
Discussions and dialogues took place during two days parallel of sessions and round-table discussion. In addition to the experience sharing and cooperation discussion, the cultural event such as an optional tour to “Edo-Tokyo Open-air Architectural Museum” was organized by the host university.
During the standing committee meeting before the closing ceremony, the host university’s great work was highly appreciated. In the meantime, all members of the standing committee showed great support for the Asian Summer Program. In addition, the committee decided that the 16th session will be held in Manila, the Philippines by Philippine Normal University and the 17th session will be held in Surabaya, Indonesia by Petra Christian University.
The 15th session of AUPF was a successful gathering for all participants. Dr. Michiharu Kurita, President of Asia University expressed his appreciation for the cooperation and strong support extended to the organizing committee. AUPF official flag was handed over to President of Philippine Normal University.