Paper Submission

1.Topics for Papers

Papers submitted for presentation in the Forum should be on topics covered by the theme and sub-themes. The main theme is, “Asian Higher Education Connectivity: Vision, Process and Approach” Sub-themes include, “Status Quo, Prospects of and Barriers to Asian Higher Education Connectivity and Solutions”; “New Tech: Opportunities and Challenges of Asian Higher Education Connectivity” and “The Roadmap of Asian Higher Education Connectivity”, "Belt and Road Initiative, Interconnectivity and International Education Cooperation". Centering on the Theme, attendees are welcome to talk on given topics or any other topics of interest.

2. Submission

All papers should be submitted via email to Mr. YI Zongyong (Vice Director, International Office)

3. Format

The full text of the paper should be typed in single space using Times New Roman, font size 12, with margins of 1" on all sides. The paper should not exceed 10 pages. Also, an abstract together with a photo should be submitted for inclusion in the Forum program and Forum proceedings.

4. Paper Presenter's CV

A brief curriculum vitae of the author should accompany the paper for the purpose of introducing the presenter at the Forum.

5. Language

The official language of the Forum is English. The sessions and paper presentations will be in English. Papers written in other languages should be submitted with an English translation.

6. Deadlines

To facilitate the scheduling of paper presentations, the deadline for submitting at least an abstract is October 10, 2015. Ideally, papers should be submitted by this date together with the abstract and photo. However, if the full version of the paper cannot be completed in time, it may follow the abstract provided it is submitted by October 15, 2015.

7. Eligibility

Paper submission is not limited to AUPF members. Any paper suiting the main theme or sub-themes of the Forum will be eligible for acceptance. However, only AUPF members may present at the Forum. Thus, authors whose papers are selected should register and pay the associated fee if they intend to present at the Forum.

8. Selection Notification

Guangdong University of Foreign Studies will notify authors by email of the results of the selection process as soon as possible following the deadline for abstract submissions of October 15, 2015.

9. Copyright/Publication

AUPF and Guangdong University of Foreign Studies reserve the right to publish presented papers in the program and/or in the proceedings of the 2015 Forum.

10. Proceedings

The proceedings of AUPF 2015 will be handled and made available in print and/or online by Guangdong University of Foreign Studies following the Forum.